
<p>can someone please list all the important mail that we have received and everything that was in the big freshman packet? I live overseas so I haven't got my freshman packet yet. Is there anything in the mail that we cannot see online? Like for example, I can see all the freshman seminar/critical writing courses listed online. Are there things that I can't find out online?</p>

<p>Michelle, look under the “academic blog” thread. This is Matthew9:29’s summary - “freshman seminars and critical writing booklets, handbook, freshman timeline, that paper that has the sample advising questions on the back, a paper on curf, a little card thinger for the roadmap to penn guide, and the NSO/PRP handout.” Probably the only thing you can’t find online is the contact information for your faculty and peer advisors. BTW, this relates to the packet sent to CAS freshmen. Someone from another thread says that SEAS packets are sent today.</p>

<p>You should be able to find your academic advisor on Penn Portal. After you sign in scroll down to the “My Advisors” section. I’m not sure if it is updated yet for freshmen, but it should be there. Your Peer advisor will not be there, but your academic advisor should tell you who that is.</p>