<p>Mississippi, White Male applicant to SFS
Little foreign language experience, but I've taken all that I can</p>
710 M
770 V
710 W
took again two weeks ago, and I'm positive that the math will go up</p>
34, took today</p>
<p>SAT II (ugh):
Lit: 700
Chem: 700
US: 790</p>
<p>APs (sent them in too, but self reported):
5's on Euro, USH, Chem, Stats, Eng Lang</p>
<p>Major ECs:
Debate (VP, 4th in state pointwise)
Mock Trial (Lead Attornery, decent success)
Independent Reseach (Historical/political, 350+hours)
Church stuff
Appyling to college (not listed)</p>
<p>Summer stuff:
Mississippi governor's school
TASP (I don't know how familiar Gtown is with TASP)</p>
-Describe myself was OK. Talked about South, and explained my research and TASP
-SFS was dull, but very original and personal (talked about dying languages)</p>
-My "main" rec could be good or bad. I had him for APUSH and Euro (100 avg, 5 on test) but he has an..interesting personality
-Also asked a 10th grade teacher who undoubtedly wrote an amazing rec</p>
<p>Counselor rec:
ugh. I've had a different counselor every year</p>
Went well from my perspectative, but that doesn't matter.</p>
<p>So? Georgetown is by far my first choice, but I'm a realist.</p>