Mailing Date!: EA results to be mailed 12/09/2008

<p>December 05, 2008:


We are finishing up our Early Action Committee today and have started preparing letters! We anticipate mailing admissions decisions on Tuesday, December 9th. All letters sent within the United States are sent via the US Postal Service. Letters for Admitted students living outside the United States will sent via FedEx. All other letters for students living outside the United States will be sent via air mail.</p>

<p>We know that letters are sometimes delayed. For this reason, we will also email decisions to all applicants on Saturday, December 13th. We expect to release unofficial email notifications between 8:00 am and 9:00 am PST on the 13th.</p>

<p>I know this is an anxious time for students as you rush to the mail box each day to see if the letters have arrived. Students or parents sometimes call to see if we might just tell them over the phone. Unfortunately we cannot release decisions over the phone. If for some reason your official decision letter does not make it to your address, you can contact our office beginning Tuesday, December 16th and we will send you another letter.</p>

<p>I'll post some statistics about the number of applications and number of students offered admission on Tuesday after the letters have gone in the mail.</p>



<p>OMG OMG OMG!!! How many days will it take for the mail to reach from california to Conneticut???</p>

<p>I think you will get the unofficial email before that.</p>

<p>So in LA I’d get on Thursday?</p>

<p>where did u get this quote from?? thanks</p>

<p>It’s from the admission’s director blog at Caltech web. I didn’t want to post the link as I would like everyone to put some effort to know Caltech and its website prior to getting in.</p>

<p>If you admire Caltech as much as I do you would have known this prior to reading this thread.</p>

<p>wow just because I havent checked the blogs doesn’t mean I don’t admire Caltech. I wouldn’t have applied to Caltech Early Action if I didn’t admire the school; that would be foolish.
I thought it was from an email that I didn’t get. I have visited the Caltech website many times but I havent in the past couple of weeks because I’ve been busy turning in other applications and I have tournaments.
I actually looked at the blog just after I asked you that question and found it there.
Thanks anyway</p>

<p>my heart skipped 5 beats when i saw that. I’m so anxious now. >.></p>

<p>It’s already been decided. All that’s left now is to wait for that letter.</p>

<p>just 5 beats? I’m listening to my whole library at 200% speed, airdrumming the bajeebers out of my room. Good luck to all!</p>

<p>wait so how long does mail take to get from Cali to NJ :P</p>

<p>Expect 3 days</p>

<p><em>gasp</em> so the 12th? or the 13th? ahhh</p>

<p>I can’t believe it’s coming out early. I’m so nervous. But I guess I’d rather find out about my doom (?) sooner rather than later, haha.</p>

<p>The admissions blog is here:
[Caltech:</a> Director’s Notebook](<a href=“]Caltech:”></p>

<p>There are also blogs of current Techers that might be interesting to read.</p>

<p>If I am in southern arizona should I expect it to arrive before saturday’s email?</p>

<p>Worst case: You get decision by email on 13th.
Best case: You get decision by mail on 10th.
Average case:
LA and surrounding area: 10th
Rest of California: 11th.
West/South: 12th
Mid West/ North East/East: 13th</p>

<p>so i’ll probably get my letter along with the email =p

<p>does cal tech deferr a lot like mit too or do they reject a lot of their applicatns.</p>

<p>btw what IS the acceptance % for ea in cal tech. i know the reg rate is like 15-16%.</p>

<p>It will be posted some time tomorrow after the acceptances are mailed.</p>

<p>^ Ah i see. WEll i was also wondering if anyone knew what the accep % were last year for ea?</p>