Main Essay

<p>This essay has been the main source of my stress for the past couple days. I can't think of one single unifying theme of the essay. There isn't really just one way that I express my interest in math and science. Would an essay that focuses on different ways work? It's just feeling like they can't really connect in a way that would work well to me...</p>

<p>My essay did not just have one example, it had several. The key is to show your passion. If you are a good fit for Caltech your life is probably filled with a life long love of science and math that picking just one would be hard for some people.</p>

<p>Alright, thanks. I’ll see if I can find a structure that works for me.</p>

<p>If you’re still ahving trouble, just start typing. In my case at least, I was suprised how much I managed to write, and with minor edits, my essay wrote itself.</p>

<p>I did it in bullet form. I may be throwing rules out the window but my job certainly got easier.</p>