<p>For some reason this jumped into my head - I once saw something along the lines of having to maintain your GPA for your TAG agreement to be valid, but I'm thinking that's more along the lines of staying above a requirement (eg, if the UC you've got a TAG agreement for says you must have a 3.2+ for the major, you have to keep a 3.2+ GPA).</p>
<p>Or does it mean if you have a 3.3, it can't go below 3.3? </p>
<p>Anyone? Thanks :)</p>
<p>I dunno why but I couldn't sleep thinking about this :]</p>
<p>well it for sure cant drop down below a 3.0, so with a cumulative of a 3.3 you really dont have much of a cushion. and since SB for example now requires a 3.2…you really should just work hard on maintaining a 3.3 if not raising it!!!</p>
<p>The GPA you have to maintain is just whatever the school requires. It would be pretty ridiculous if they rejected someone with a 4.0 who dropped down to a 3.98 :)</p>