Maintenance scheduled for Friday September 30

I also had to close and reopen the site to get my icons back.

You know…I always seem to have issues with this site, but I haven’t had this emoji only issue….yet.

Just for kicks (and because I liked this post), I liked and refreshed with missing icons. All icons came back after the refresh.

Is there a reward, please?

Does anyone still have the problem after doing a hard refresh? If not, I have a theory:

  1. When we do a normal update, there’s a banner prompting people who have an outdated cache to refresh their browser.
  2. During the database update we also updated the website software. But critically, we didn’t do this using normal update process. Instead, we started a new server with the latest version of the software.
  3. Since the new server had no way to know about the previous server, it didn’t prompt users to refresh.

If this is what happened, I think we can avoid doing updates this way in the future.

I did a hard refresh yesterday but had the issue of missing icons again today.

The same day? No. The next day, yes.

I just did a hard refresh (the icons were missing; interestingly, so were the SuperMod banners). After doing the hard refresh, the icons and banners were restored.

In addition, I had frequent 504 errors (bad gateway) this morning. I haven’t heard of anyone else having problems, but can a 50x error be specific to a single/few users?

Yes. We had problems earlier this morning on the school pages and articles. (It’s a different system, so those problems were unrelated to this update.) I believe that problem was resolved, but if you still see it, please let me know.

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Ok. I’ll dig into it some more. It’s annoying when I can’t reproduce the problem because it makes diagnosing it much harder. If anyone is still seeing the problem, please reply with your browser and OS. Thanks!

Reporting that all my icons except the emoji went away again. This time on my iPhone (running the latest update).

And restarting didn’t help.

Did you try reloading the page? That always seems to work for me.

Yep, worked on the laptop but not on the iPhone.

Good to know.

For me, usually using a Chromebook or a PC laptop, and never a phone, it seems the “hard reset” is the solution. Reloading the page by itself doesn’t cure the problem in all instances.

I will also say that, for me, this problem has intermittently occurred for months before the latest CC system migration. It would occur out of the blue and then sorta’ fix itself.

Same here. None of the fixes work for me now

It’s working for me now but the post below mine (Caraid) on the Good Wife of Bath thread indicates the same sort of problems

For what it’s worth, I’ve lost all icons except the emoji one, and even the hard reset doesn’t bring the other icons back now.

ETA: Of course I say all this, and when I do a hard reset on this page, the icons mysteriously came back.

Is it just easier to say these are “gremlins” and forget about it? :grinning:

At least, the 50x errors seem to have disappeared. Really happy about that.

This new issue is at most a minor inconvenience to me by comparison, especially since refreshing the page seems to always fix the issue for me.

Oddly…I still haven’t had this missing icon issue. IPad user!