Major and minor?

<p>I'm debating between a CpE major and a EE major with a CS minor. I love the EE side of things and have some experience but I still enjoy programming and would rather not limit myself from either path, so a CpE major seems like a good compromise between the two, though I know for EE there are a few difficult courses that are essential to really becoming an electrical engineer. My question is: how doable is it to major in EE and minor in CS and still graduate in 4 years? I would rather not use my AP credits since they are all math and sciences and I'd rather repeat those courses to make sure I get a good foundation.</p>

<p>If you wanted to do CpE and EE with a minor in CS, you’re looking at 5+ years; especially if you didn’t want to use any math or science AP credits. </p>

<p>For EE and a CS minor, you may be looking at an extra semester or two. </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Since your doing EE, you’d get credit for the first CS class through the C++ course you’re required to take. But you’d still have to take an additional 15 credit hours. The problem with attempting a CS minor isn’t the CS minor - it’s the fact that the EE program has little to no space for anything extra. You’re already looking at ~ 16 per semester just to graduate on time and none of the CS courses could fit into your allotted space. </p>

<p>It would be easier to do CpE and then get a CS minor. You could fit your CS minor into the CpE curriculum without taking any extra classes, plus, you can fit the necessary EE courses into your curriculum. That’s the true beauty of the CpE program.</p>

<p>[Requirements</a> for BSCPE degree - Class of 2015](<a href=“]Requirements”></p>

<p>If you still wanted to do EE and a CS minor, I would advise you to use your AP credit.</p>

<p>Just to clarify, I’m consider one of these two options
1)Majoring in CpE
2)Majoring in EE with a CS minor</p>

<p>I found this and thought the second option would be doable in 4 years. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Could you elaborate on what you mean by “You could fit your CS minor into the CpE curriculum without taking any extra classes, plus, you can fit the necessary EE courses into your curriculum. That’s the true beauty of the CpE program.”</p>


<p>I spent some time looking at curriculum and trying to figure out if its doable, and you’re right, it is doable.</p>

<p>C++ counts as CS 1114/1124, you can take ECE 2574 in place of CS 2114 and that counts as a technical elective; ECE 2504 and ECE 2534 along with 2524 will count as CS 2505 and 2506. All of those ECE classes are built into your curriculum and you don’t waste any free credits, except for ECE 2524 (a 2 credit Unix class). You then have 9 credits to take before your minor. </p>

<p>Source: [Advising</a> Handbook | Computer Science at Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Advising”></p>

<p>It’s possible, but you’re going to be very miserable. EE classes are demonstrably difficult and time consuming, and CS courses (especially classes past sophomore year) are very time consuming. You really wont have a life.</p>

<p>With CpE it’s easier. All your sophomore level classes count towards the CS minor and you then have 4 technical electives which can be filled with CS classes. 3 of those classes can be CS classes and then you’ll get your minor, plus one extra class to take something on the EE side of things. You also have a couple semesters where you can add an extra EE class. </p>

<p>Source: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You’re life will still be hell - but it’ll be doable. I know this because I was actually thinking about the same thing about a year ago. I decided to do dual major in Math and CS instead.</p>