<p>I just moved to a small city and transferred to a small university on the west coast of Florida, from relatively urban South Florida. I grew up there, and to say I miss it is an understatement. Living there, I was working full time, living on my own, and going to college part time. Right now, I'm attending college full time and living with my dad because I am 23 years old and there is no way that I am going to live in a dorm with a bunch of 18 year olds. My dad was kind enough to let me live with him, and assist financially in any way necessary because he wants me to finish college. This would not have been entirely possible for me to accomplish in South Florida, because I don't want to have massive student loans hanging over my head upon graduation (at least not for a BA). So, for me to pass up this opportunity would have been extremely bad judgement on my part. Anyway, to the point, I've left behind all of my friends and the city that I love to better my future; and I really dislike this town. I'm not quite fond of the college either. For some reason, I cannot seem to make friends and I feel so much older than many of my peers. I still have a good year and a half to finish this. The only thing that really motivates me is the fact that I am doing this for my future!! Anyway, I just need some advice about how to make friends, because apparently I am doing a terrible job of it and thats surprising for me because I was never short of friends in South Florida..</p>
<p>Do you act significantly older? Do you act like you’re more mature than them? If you do, don’t. Loosen up, goof around a little, and don’t even worry about your age and don’t bother mentioning it if they dont ask. People are people and you’ll make friends soon</p>
<p>I think you need to be more open, loosen up a bit maybe.
I’m 19 going on 20 and my main college buddy is 28…</p>