where would DECA awards (Regional, State, National, 1st, 2nd, 3rd) be placed in this?
Where would US Open and U.S. Nationals Awards for table tennis go (along with international competitions), in rankings?
Where would a scientific discovery go? I have accidently developed a cure to a disease while doing my extra curricular activity. The disease have killed millions aquatic animals for the past 5 years and have made the world marine production nearly 25% percent less than predicted every year . My cure is a biological and permanent organic cure that doesn’t involve chemicals and antibiotics ( antibiotics were develop for this disease but have to be replace every year because the bacterias became immune .) And Will it be helpful to include this in the application? If so, do I have to write a common app essay about it or can it be included somewhere else in the application ?
-thank you
@num3ric you competed in the US open and Nationals? I did it 3 times each for table tennis., imo its probably rank 8 or 9
What rank and above would I need for MIT