(If you don’t want to read my whole rant, go down to the bottom and read the TLDR)
Hello! So I have a question that may be considered stupid, but I was wondering if majoring in chemistry/biology/biochemistry would be a good idea for a few reasons. Here are my grades (I haven’t taken ap bio or ap chem yet, so I will hopefully in the next two years):
Biology average: A- 90%
Chemistry A 95% first term B+ 87% currently (the term just started a week ago)
The thing is I just got a B on a test for regular chemistry (no honors class)
So my main question is: science is difficult for me but very interesting and I may want to do it down the road! however, i’m not the smartest in my chemistry class right now and I got a B on a test. So, are my grades in the REGULAR science courses good enough if I wanted to major in them? They are on the lower side compared to some of my friends that are better at science than I am, but I really like it but it discourages me since i’m not the best at it but like it! thank you
TLDR: I want to major in chem/bio but my grades are low in the sciences compared to my friends and I feel discouraged that i’m not smart enough. Should I major in biology/chemistry?
It’s too early to tell. First, you need to get very strong A’s (and matching math) to get into AP Bio then AP Chem (and you might want to ask for honors level work once you’stabilized at 94+). You’d also be expected to take Physics - Physics honors is fine.
Second, biology majors have trouble finding jobs because there’s an oversupply of them, in part due to premeds who chose that major and like a majority of premeds failed to get into med school.
Try to do your best in all your classes for now. You have till sophomore year in college to choose a major among all the classes you did well in! 
It honestly depends on what you like to do. If you like science and are not doing well despite that, it is fine. Don’t worry about it. Just study harder and you’ll get it.
Try to take honors-level or AP courses in science if you really want to major in bio/chem/biochem. Do not let “smart enough” define whether you’ll major in any science or not. Honestly, you should explore other subjects like physics and higher-level math to see what you really like.
If you are really like bio and chem, then you can definitely major in them. Btw, I love science too and plan to major in bio/chem and minor in math/physics b/c I want to pursue neuroscience and computer science (a side interest).
I’m a sophomore and I didn’t take bio honors and there weren’t chem honors. Idk if i’m meant to go into something stem related, despite me liking it.
I plan on taking AP Physics next year if science is the route I wanna take. I just don’t know if i’m good enough for it and might fit for something better.
What level math are you taking?
As I said, you have till Sophomore Year in COLLEGE to decide your major.
By senior year in high school you should have an idea whether you’d rather go toward STEM or toward Humanities, arts, social science (including economics and business) but that’s about it.
For now, take the core classes in everything and do as well as you can.
You need 1 each of bio, chem, and physics(+ one more of your choice); English and social science/history every year; math through precalculus or calculus; foreign language through level 3 or 4.
i’m taking honors pre-calc/trig right now. i’m okay at it, I average B’s on the tests. I had precalc last term and ended it with an 84% I just started trig now.
I took french 1 and 2 (block classes) last year and they don’t offer anything higher in french, so idk what to do.
Also, I have a real interest in psychology if that means anything right now.
Is there an online French class you could take? Or a nearby community college where you could dual enroll?
Psychology: you can take physics next year + psychology, and AP psychology senior year (along with AP Bio if you feel like it).
Very good wrt precalculus 
Thank you. And I tried taking French 3 but they didn’t offer it online and the local community college doesn’t offer it. And I was thinking of taking honors psych. at my school because it counts as a college in high school credit, but I don’t have AP.
If you are willing to pay, here is an online AP Psychology course:
It also finishes it in a semester and you can self-study and take the AP exam.
Will it go on my transcript, or is it more of a see if I like it kinda thing?
It is going to go on my transcript and colleges will see it. My school required me to take their final and I did quite well on it. It will definitely go on your transcript. But I don’t think it factors into your GPA. But it still counts as finishing the course and it does show up on your transcript if you get it approved with your school. But remember, to be eligible for AP credit, you need a good grade on the AP exam, at least a 4 out of 5 tbh.