<p>I'm currently finishing my junior year in high school, but I'm homeschooled so I have no counselor to answer these questions. Should I post these questions in any other forums? Well here they are: </p>
<p>My family's pretty much dirt poor. (I live with my mother, who makes $7k a year w/5 people in house). I'm told I can get a lot of money for college because of this. Do I just apply for FAFSA? Do I ask the school I want to apply to? If so, when?</p>
<p>I've been looking at these schools: California Institute of The Arts, San Fransisco State University, The Tisch School of The Arts (NYU)</p>
<p>Any other suggestions of where to go?</p>
<p>To go to a film school or any like listed above, do I have to take two years of lower-division G.E.s at some other college, then transfer over?</p>
<p>How long does it generally take to get a degree in film?</p>
<p>If I get a degree in film, what is that? A master of arts?</p>
<p>Do these types of schools care more about my GPA/test scores or my creative portfolio/talent?</p>
<p>I know there's a lot of questions...thanks in advance for answering!</p>