<p>Major major major problem!!!!!!!
I already sent my uc application and for the academic history portion, I only put down what was required. For example asked for 3 years of math I only put down 3 years of the math I took when Im taking my fourth math senior year. For the senior year scheldule, It said they only need 1 year of english so I put down the IB english I'm taking. Friend says I should put down extra classes like I took 4 years of math and etc..... I need to fix my application. Will this be a major problem?</p>
<p>They wanted all the courses you have taken… It’s basically your transcript, sent up to the system. You had to put all of the academic courses that you have ever taken. You don’t just put the bare minimum course requirements… </p>
<p>If they do calculate your GPA, its going to be screwed up like crazy, and when they DO get your official transcript, they might accuse you of lying on your app, which could possibly lead to a rescind. </p>
<p>It might not be that bad, but I’d get this cleared up ASAP.</p>