Major/Minor Double Dipping?

<p>I know that as a member of the cinema school I can't double dip courses (that is, apply the credits from one class to both the major and the minor) for the Performing Arts Minor, but it didn't have any such disclaimer under the description for the Minor in Visual Culture. So, does that mean I could apply the same class (say, one of the History of the American Film courses) to both my Film Production major AND my potential Visual Culture minor?</p>

<p>Anyone know?</p>

<p>I'd like to pick up a minor, but if scholarships can only apply to 2 extra classes for summer school, I don't want to end up having to pay extra money just to complete requirements for the minor.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>looking at that, it sounds like coursework can be applied to both a major and a minor, but I would strongly recommend discussing it with your advisor when you schedule classes to be sure. and since you can't declare a minor until we get there anyway, it won't be a delay.</p>

<p>also, you can always start taking the required courses for the minor as electives (assuming that if it's something you would want to minor in, it's something you enjoy) and see how hard it would be to fit everything in before declaring your minor. you have to declare majors by the end of sophomore year, but i'm pretty sure you can declare minors even later than that.</p>

<p>Thanks for the link, these 2 points seem to be the key:</p>

<p>"(3) Students may take an interdepartmental minor in which their major unit participates as long as at least four courses (at least 16 units) required for the minor are not courses offered by the major department.</p>

<p>(4) Students must take at least four courses (at least 16 units) which are unique to the minor (i.e., not required to fulfill the student’s major, another minor or general education requirements)."</p>

<p>4 extra courses looks do-able if I can schedule it right : )</p>