<p>Thanks for everyone’s input. I’m soo sad and have so much empathy for those feeling this pain!!! :(</p>
<p>Tiberius: I’m so sorry about your personal situation. I can understand your pain as well because this has been the hardest academic year with regards to both rigor and personal hardships. If you don’t mind me asking, what have you been going through? Is it your health or your family’s health, or death? Life can be very painful…</p>
<p>My best friend was diagnosed with cancer in October (only 20 years old), my grandmother who lives at our house had two strokes, my friend who has undergone two transplants is hospitalized regularly & these visits are life-threatening scares sometimes, and last but not least my horse recently died. It’s been a rough life, and classes for me this year 
I haven’t mentioned these things to my professor though, because I feel she would think I’m lying or something, cause it sounds all crazy you know? But it has been sooo difficult to cope with. I also work at an aquarium 8 hours a week. I AM THOROUGHLY EXHAUSTED. If I were to mention my personal life to her, I wouldn’t even know how to bring it up because she seems annoyed with me after I tried to speak with her today.</p>
<p>She said she graded the final exams. She remembers I did poorly, but I caught her when she was leaving her office so wouldn’t discuss my grade with me in detail. I tried asking her if I got a D in the course, but she just said she remembers I did poorly, but could not remember because there were so many exams. It just sucks because she cannot meet with me on another day, and she doesn’t discuss grades via email because it’s campus policy. </p>
<p>T-Rav: She said things similar to what your professor said, such as if I did poorly enough on the final, then I did not “learn” the class material to a satisfactory level, and deserve the grade I get. I definitely agree with her statement, but my situation is very different because I got half the time I was supposed to receive for taking the final, so I wasn’t given the proper chance to show my true knowledge! I politely brought that up again, as well as the fact that I’ve gotten solid Bs on both midterms, and an A on the lab practical. She just said “I cannot base your final grade on your previous performance”.
I wasn’t asking her to do that. If I was, I would be asking her for a B.
I was trying to imply:
Even though my chances for a B are lost now because I was only given half the amount of time for the final exam, based on my previous performance I believe that I should earn at least a satisfactory grade in the class.<br>
I politely asked her if there was absolutely anything I could do to make up for my mistake, to earn a guaranteed C in the class, and she won’t allow any opportunities. She doesn’t seem sympathetic in the least. I regret talking to her because she was in a hurry, and I might have made her frustrated even though I was very polite. I got teary in front of her again because I just couldn’t hold it in! Oh how I regret speaking to her…</p>
<p>It was so strange though because when I logged onto myberkeleyapp tonight, I had a “revised” conditions for admission, and it no longer said that I’m required to take Organic Chemistry II over the summer, which is coincidentally beneficial for my situation right now. So that got me thinking, maaayyyyyybe there’s a chance that I can re-take Organic Chemistry I if I get a D, as opposed to my planned OC II? So that is what I will bring up to admissions on the phone tomorrow…</p>
<p>I’ll keep you guys updated, keep me updated on your situations as well!</p>