Major Prob

<p>I am having a dilemma chosing my major I need to solve quickly.</p>

<p>Ever since I traveled on a volunteer trip to the Dominican Republic I wanted to become a doctor just like the American physicians administering to the Spanish speakers in the country. I am trying to choose between the Bio-related or Spanish major and I cannot chose one! Please note: I have already finished all prerequisites for medically school and will be prepared for the MCATn and Med school reguardless of major chosen.</p>

<p>Bio Major:
-Develop scientific knowledge more deeply
-Very applicable to Med school
-about 70% med school entering class has this major
-Reccomended by Dr’s and past professors
-Enjoy subject matter
-Easily get research opportunities in science field (looks good 4 med school)</p>

-Damn near EVERY medical student is a science major
-Limits the “well-rounded” aspect of college
- Wont stand out among all bio majors applying for med school
-No guarentee on level of Spainsh proficiency</p>

<p>Spanish Major
-Unique major not often chosen (Good appeal to Med school)
-INSURES higher level proficiency in Spanish (Reading, writing, speaking on college level in Spanish-speaking countries)
-Study abroad, which I really want to do, is more easily attained (perferrably to Spain)</p>

-noted as an “easy major”
-how much Spanish is too much? (Classes in grammer, Culture, and Spainsh Works)
-not a science major</p>

<p>Thanks for your time. I have considered double majoring. Anyone done that? Thanks!</p>

<p>I see you posted this for almost all of the ivy league schools… do you even go to Penn? If not, try the Med School forum.</p>

<p>It really doesn’t make a difference if you hit all the prereqs for med school.</p>

<p>I would pick Biology because it will prepare you a lot for med school. yes, you meet the prerequistites but why not surpass them? It’lll only benefit you.</p>

<p>You can minor is Spanish and still study aboard if you choose Biology as a major</p>

if you truly believe you have the knowledge needed to score well on the MCAT, med schools will be more interested in a Spanish major. The number of bio majors who apply to med school are endless, but Spanish…that’s unique, not to mention invaluable in communicating with/making Spanish speaking patients comfortable.</p>

<p>Also, I agree with going above and beyond, but you will learn what you need to in medical school. Spanish is much more applicable…realistically, will knowing every compound and step of meiosis help you diagnose a patient…very doubtful</p>

<p>either double major, or major in spanish… med schools like well-rounded students, and something besides the boring bio majors…</p>