majors in UCSD

<p>do you have the information on which majors are easier to get in to UCSD?</p>

<p>Non-impacted majors are easier to get into.</p>

<p>^Not true. Major isn’t considered until AFTER you’re admitted to the university. If you don’t get into the major you applied as, you’ll be admitted as your alternate major or as undeclared. You should always apply to the major you want, because switching into an impacted major (in UCSD, all biology related majors are impacted, as well as a few engineering ones) is really hard.</p>

<p>To add to the above, engineering majors that are impacted are Bioengineering and Mech/Aero Engineering.</p>

<p>Heres a pretty useful link for majors and their requirements
[Courses</a>, Curricula, and Programs](<a href=“]Courses”>Courses, Curricula, and Faculty)</p>