<p>Got the idea from the Harvard forum. I'll start: Comparative Ethnic Studies</p>
<p>Chemical Engineering. Wow CC just decided to triple post for me.</p>
<p>History. Possibly Philosophy also.</p>
<p>Sociology and Economics.</p>
<p>10 char</p>
<p>civil engineering</p>
<p>computer science</p>
<p>Operations Research or Financial Engineering</p>
<p>Anthropology and French</p>
<p>Classical Studies and Political Science
…or possibly Economics</p>
<p>I’d have to say that this thread is pretty dumb. Given that the average college student changes his major 2-3 times and Columbia’s RD acceptance rate is around 7%, the vast majority of the people posting in this thread will not achieve a Columbia degree in the major that they list here.</p>
<p>No one asked for a life story, and notice the title says “Columbia Hopefuls.” Leave your pessimism at the door.
I’d have to say that sentence sounds pretty dumb.</p>
<p>I second LW Trojan. </p>
<p>Yes, we know that we are not very likely to get in. Yes, we know that we are likely to change our majors. That doesn’t make our this thread totally irrelevent because some of us will get in and some of us will probably major in the things we want to major in now. Besides, what is the harm of declaring the fields that we like and want to major in? I find your post sort of useless.</p>
<p>I envy those of you who can pick one or two concentrations.</p>
<p>Yeah Columbia offers so many choices - Did you apply as undecided?</p>
<p>International Politics, Economics & Film Studies</p>
<p>I can’t remember a Q asking about intended major? was there?</p>
<p>Ancient Studies :]</p>
<p>C2002, you’re always the downer…</p>
<p>Seriously. You should probably stop popping into applicant threads to harass us, no matter how much you enjoy it.</p>