<p>I just emailed the collegeboard people...but I'm reckoning if most of us did not bubble it in, than we probably didn't have to.</p>

<p>Anyway god bless and good night everyone! Just at least visit your coordinators! good luck to all :)</p>

<p>yea same here. maybe there was a misunderstanding when your proctors called, but thank you for the heads up. even if its just a misunderstanding, at least ur trying to make us all aware. and if it is true... well then we will owe you big time. so i'll heed your advice. thanks for the heads up.</p>

<p>NO PROBLEM GOODNIGHT :) goodluck im rooting for you :)</p>

<p>Okay, the bitterness is really unnecessary. Most of us probably don't want to believe what you are saying in fear that it IS true, because that would mean we all got 1s on our tests! We have common sense, and our common sense tells us that because all essays were manditory, it seems frivolous that we would have to bubble them on the scantrons. I know it is done for other tests, but I think that's simply for accuracy and organization, since not every essay is actually manditory on a test like APUSH.</p>

<p>filling bubbles for essay is only for us history, euro history, and latin lit.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>drkornruns needs to shut up.</p>

<p>no ****. what the heck man.</p>

<p>no it's a lie</p>

<p>you have to write 3 essays but you dont have to pick 3 essay topics because there were only 3 topic choices -__________-</p>

<p>On the scantron, it specifically states, "Essay Choices (if applicable)", only applies to certain tests. </p>

<p>Euro History and US history (maybe world) are the only ones to have choices I believe.</p>

<p>He's obviously a troll, and a poor one at that.</p>

<p>You did not have to bubble in the sheet for the essays.</p>

i nearly had a heart attack, thanks buddy</p>

<p>You only have to fill in the bubble choices if the essays were asking you to choose which numbers to do. For example, AP Biology says you must do all 4 essays. So, no need to fill the bubbles in. AP US asked to pick, then you'd fill it in the scantron.</p>

<p>yeah this is the biggest load of BS...this kind of stuff only applies to the history FR...get a life LOL</p>

<p>yeah shut up hes def lying. it would make no sense if we had to when theres ONLY 3 essay choices</p>

<p>the dude obviously lied, if it was "common sense" why would he post this thread, trying to freak everyone out. what a loser, i guess has nothing better to do hahah</p>

<p>Why the hell would we have to bubble in our essay choices for a multiple choice scanner anyway?</p>

<p>lmfao i lol'ed when i read this
and there were actually people going "omg!! r u serious!!"

<p>lol it was all a joke! HAPPY POST AP! :) HEHEHE GOT TO ADMIT I GOT YOU ALL!</p>

<p>It obviously was not a joke. You are just trying to cover it up because you were wrong. Sorry if that was harsh.</p>