Making a list and checking it twice – things parents can do now to prepare for sendin

<p>A list of emergency contact numbers to give to their roommate(s). If there was an emergency and D/S can not communicate at least the roommate would have a number to get ahold of a parent. Or, heaven forbid, D/S has not come in and they normally let roommate know.</p>

<p>There can be power outages. Remember the tornado of 2011. You can have flashlights, extra batteries, and phone chargers that plug in a car. Make sure said car has a plug in area. Oh, and cash. </p>

<p>Great thread!</p>

<p>I also plan on buying one of those portable first aid kits, 2 actually. 1 for the dorm room that has bandaids, first aid ointment, antiseptic cleaners, cortisone, neosporine, etc. And 1 for the car as D will be traveling 9 hours to/from during holidays. They are small and can typically fit under the car seat. </p>

<p>All those little things they are used to mom just having at home without thinking about it.</p>

<p>Start setting up a disaster/emergency kit. A plastic shoe box works great. Water purification supplies, cash(small bills and change only), basic first aid/medicines, whistle, etc. DH made sure to include one of these: <a href=“[/URL]”>;/a&gt;. A great all purpose Wx/am/fm radio, flashlight and cellphone charger.</p>

<p>DD and I started shopping and putting some things together this past weekend already. She asked me if there was a vacuum in the Ridgecrest South suites. I told her I imagined there was a vacuum for the floor. Does anyone know for sure?</p>

<p>No vacuum, one person in each suite will need to supply one.</p>

<p>Where can I find the list of vaccines required by UA?</p>

<p>Interesting on the vacuum…the floors in the Ridgecrest, carpet or tile?</p>

<p>Thanks, Missread…too bad about the vacuum. Seems strange to have to bring one. txdoula, as I recall, the kitchen and bath areas are tile and the hall, living area and bedrooms are carpeted in low pile carpeting.</p>

<p>Here is the immunization form:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Here’s a link to the residence halls. There should be a link with photos and details.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Ridgecrest South (both towers) have tile in kitchen, low pile in living room, hallway, and bedroom, and tile in bath and vanity area. There’s no need to buy an expensive vacuum. One of the small ones for around $25-30 is fine. A swiffer mop is all you really need for the tile floors.</p>

<p>RCS does have a vacuum they can borrow. Nothing fancy. My S did not bring a vacuum. Don’t know if any suite mates did.</p>

<p>While searching the forum for info on nearby pharmacies that D will need for prescriptions, I came across this thread and thought it worth bumping back to the top since we’re so close to “that time”!</p>

<p>So…who can tell me what pharmacies are close to campus? D has scripts at Rite Aid right now, but I’m wondering if I need to transfer them to one more convenient for her. She’ll have a car and be able to drive, but if time is an issue, proximity will help. She’ll be in Tut.</p>

<p>Looking at the map, it seems that you need a car to get to any pharmacy - the closest Rite Aid seems to be near the corner of McFarland and University and the Walgreens are even further away. Can students get a bus or other university/city transport if they need to get an Rx refillled?</p>

<p>The SHC seems to be a good hike from campus, too. As I reading the map incorrectly?</p>

<p>Also, don’t forget in the state of Alabama, our young adults cannot buy OTC meds by themselves until they are 19. I would send down common items like allergy/sinus, etc. with them or buy it for them when you get to town. </p>

<p>If you plan to give them a printer for their room, remember the printer needs a USB cable to connect directly to the computer. You can’t (easily or securely) print via wireless from a laptop to the printer in your residence hall.</p>

<p>There’s a Rite Aid pharmacy across the street from the Student Health Center at 521 University Boulevard East. Daughter used them once when the SHC was out of her medication. You can catch one of the buses to the SHC and walk to the pharmacy.</p>

<p>^^Thanks BamaMomof3!</p>

<p>RE: OTC drugs for allergies and sinus, start buying some of that stuff now. When I went to buy all of the stuff for D’s first aid kit we were also needing Sudafed for ourselves. I could not buy 2. Ya know, I might want to make meth with it or something. I made D a nice little first aid kit using a photo box from Hobby Lobby from the scrapbooking section. Mod Podged it with houndstooth paper. Cute little Rx stickers.<br>
Items to get for a small first aid kit:
Band Aids
Cortizone cream
Zicam sinus spray
Zicam allergy spray
Cough Drops - Throat lozenges
Hydrogen Peroxide
Rubbing Alcohol</p>

<p>All of this easily fit into the box, it’s a bit like Jenga, but works. </p>

<p>As for move-in, I had a thread of tips for the day of after we moved D in for EC. One I will repeat is this, have your students fan ready to go first thing. Some assembly is required and needs screwdrivers to assemble the base of the tower fans. Have these handy. It will be warm the day you move in. Even if you get lucky like we did for EC move in and it is in the 70’s, it is warm in that room! Get that fan out, plugged in and going so you can do the rest of the unpacking and sorting in semi comfort. </p>

<p>Label, label, label. Label every single box, container, etc. Put your students name, dorm bldg, and room number on them.</p>

<p>I also got some items for a medicine kit. Friend said when she moved son out freshman year NOT one thing had been opened… They can go buy items themselves when /if needed!!!</p>

<p>Not if they are under the age of 19.</p>

<p>They can not buy everything they may need when they need it if they are not 19. D won’t be 19 till the end of the year, and I do mean literally, the very end of the year. Yep, I got the NYE baby. They can not buy OTC meds for allergies and sinuses. Girls are going to be more likely to use things like band aids, cough drops, etc. It never fails, my kids have always needed these things at bedtime or late. I’d prefer for her to have them on hand when she needs it if the occassion should arise than have her suffer all night, feel crappy in class before she can got get something, etc. She has 8:00 classes so she would not be able to go get some things before class if she needed it.<br>
Each kid is different and we all know our kids and what things they typically use at home. At home it is always just there for them. I had D with me when getting everything so that she knows what we typically have, where to find it, etc.</p>