Making changes to the UC Application after submission?

Hi, I’m currently a senior and I applied to several of the UC’s and I have (obviously) already submitted my application. In the extracurricular/award sections, I did write down all the extracurriculars I participated in, but I blanked and forgot to include the title of my research project when describing one of my extracurriculars. Is it possible for me to go in and add/supplement that information into the application? Or is it just not important at this point?
I described hours spent, what I did etc;, but I forgot to include the title of my science research project (which kinda indicates the contents). Thanks so much!

No you cannot go back and make changes to your UC application for EC’s.

Here is what you can update:

You can log in to your application to review and, if necessary, change your telephone number, email, mailing address or SAT, ACT, TOEFL, or International Exam Scores. You can also apply to additional campuses if they’re still open.

Log in to your application »

If there are changes to your academic record:
If you change schools, add or drop a course, or fail to earn a C or better in a course after you submit your application, you must notify the campuses you’ve applied to (all campuses except UC Berkeley). If you receive an offer of admission, be sure to confirm with the campus admission office that they are aware of the deficient grade or schedule changes.

Keep in mind: We cannot guarantee that a campus can go back to review an application after correspondence has been received. Make sure to save a copy of your correspondence just in case.

i wouldn’t be too concerned about that.
good luck.