Making the case for a .2% grade bump

<p>Just to let everyone who cares (probably not many people) know how things worked out, I went over the test with him and it turns out that he graded an entire page incorrectly! He was apparently looking at the wrong page of his answer key :-L . That bumped me up significantly and I got close to 100% on the final! But MaineLonghorn, it is true that after he regraded that page he looked over the rest of the test and even took away some partial credit I had had before. </p>

<p>Thanks [mostly] everyone for the good advice… I guess the moral of the story is that teachers are human and it can never hurt to double check their grading.</p>

<p>congratulations @politicsgeek! :)</p>

<p>Glad to hear it all worked out! Good job m8</p>

<p>Or you could accept the grade you earned and move on with your life instead of crying about it on forums. </p>

<p>^ technically he did earn an A since his teacher made a mistake on his test…</p>



<p>I really liked you from your thread in the on-topics (about obsessive parents). Don’t be mean to the kid; he just wanted some advice.</p>