<p>So upon submitting my SIR today, and opting for on campus housing, I read a disclaimer stating for the year 2010-2011 they are going to start housing all transfer students in a building adjacent to Porter. I'm not totally stoked about this, but I will deal. After your first semester you have the choice to move out of this housing arrangement if you so choose. Any other transfer students opting for living on campus?</p>
<p>doing the same thing, the transfer community. i just read about it and am pretty upset myself. i was excited to live in the apartments and i get the feeling the transfer housing is more like dorms. oh well i guess, at least it doesnt have to be for the whole year.</p>
<p>I’m actually really excited to be living in the Transfer Community, I think it’s a great idea. I was actually disappointed when I found out transfer students could not be affiliated with Porter College for some reason. </p>
<p>The Transfer housing is definitely dorm-like, but we’ll be surrounded by people in the similar situation. I’m not necessarily sure if we’re allowed to switch out of the transfer housing. </p>
<p>I have an opportunity to live off-campus, but that didn’t appeal to me. I definitely want to be on campus and meet people.</p>
<p>i don’t mind being around other transfers. i think i would prefer that, like you said everyone is in the same situation. But porter was my number one choice, transfers can’t be affiliated with that college? why not? i’m so bummed now! i wish it was set up like an apartment (and not a dorm)</p>
<p>I’m not entirely sure why transfers can’t be affiliated with Porter, I’m just as bummed! I’m thinking I’ll probably picked Kresge because it’s right next door. I love Porter, though.</p>
<p>me too =]. kresge was my second choice for sure. i wish you were guaranteed your choice. if not kresge, what other college would you prefer? those were my top two and i don’t really have strong feelings about the other ones. if i had to pick a 3rd it was college 8, but im not too sure.</p>
<p>College 8 was my third choice, even though I don’t love it. I have friends in College 8 and they said it’s basically everyone from Southern California gathered together in one college.</p>
<p>Apparently we have to pick 5 colleges, so I picked: Porter-Kresge-Eight-Nine-Ten</p>
<p>I asked my friends about Merrill and they said it has a weird reputation. I also like the idea of Cowell, considering it’s the oldest college, but they said it was filled with athletes (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing)</p>
<p>hah i agree. but yea i heard bad things about 9 and 10 so it is really hard to decide! i know for sure i dont like crown oakes and stevenson. hmm. are you from southern california?</p>
<p>Yeah, I am. It’s hard to pick a college because you always hear mixed reviews!! The best thing for me was staying in the dorms at Porter when I visited my friends–that’s what made me fall in love with the college.</p>
<p>Why do you like Porter?</p>
<p>Wait, they’re making the transfer area mandatory? Since when? And what do you mean they won’t let you be affiliated with Porter? That’s… odd. We’re going to have a lot of space here come fall quarter because the building that transfers are being placed into is one of the two recently renovated buildings. And I cannot imagine it’s going to be 100% transfers in the building since it’s huge. Plus, we’ve been without it for an entire year (and before that, we were without the building I live in now). Porter students were promised there would be room not only for all current students, bull all future Porter students as well that wanted to live on campus.</p>
<p>Does anyone have the exact wording on this? The flier that I read in one of the Porter bathrooms did not mention anything about this being mandatory and I’m really sad if this is how they’re going to handle it ): It doesn’t affect me, but I adore Porter and want people who want to be affiliated to be able to choose to do so.</p>
<p>I was going to live in the apartments myself (did dorms this year), but they’re offering a “rate saver” option for continuing students if they choose dorms.</p>
<p>I wonder if this has to do with the space that’s being given up to transfers from Porter and the space that’s being given up at Kresge to continuing students that want to live together despite their affiliation? They want to make sure they don’t run out of room?</p>
<p>EDIT: Never mind, found it:</p>
<p>The “single-student housing” reads, to me, if one is requesting a single. But then it goes on to say doubles and some triples may be available. Also, for anyone looking at a map, this is Building A I’m pretty sure they’re talking about. Building B opened Fall 2009 and I would consider it “newly renovated” as well, but Building A will be even more “newly renovated” XD. I wonder if this means there are more singles in A than B… I should go bother the housing office about this since now I’m really curious.</p>
<p>Still not finding anything about not being allowed to be affiliated with Porter, though ):</p>
<p><a href=“https://admissions.sa.ucsc.edu/counselors/FAQ_cc.cfm[/url]”>https://admissions.sa.ucsc.edu/counselors/FAQ_cc.cfm</a></p>
<p>Second edit: Unless by “single-student,” they just mean “not family housing”?</p>
<p>i have been hearing that around this college confidential but i went to spring spotlight and they said NOTHING about transfers being able to pick from 9 instead of 10. i hope it isnt the case. i mean it seems like a lot of people want porter… but i reallllly reallllly want to be at porter. lol</p>
<p>also, quick question. even though we aren’t allowed to live in porter, you still put it in your top 5 choices?</p>
<p>Hey! Yeah, I read that too. I am also an incoming transfer student this fall 2010. It sucks we wont be able to stay in the college we are affiliated with but I understand how it could be helpful. : )</p>
<p>what’s your top 5 colleges?</p>
<p>Porter, Kresge, College 10,9,8</p>
<p>me too pretty much. i wonder if you find out before june if you already put in your top 5 choices.</p>
<p>Im picking Cowell, College 8, 9, 10, Crown.</p>
<p>So, basically, I sent in my 5 top choices for schools I’d like to affiliate myself with, but I cannot live there… For at least one quarter? And then I can apply to ‘move in’ to the school the campus chose to affiliate me with pending availability? I don’t understand This is totally unfair. I mean, I do understand the benefits of living on a transfer community for my first quarter to kind of adjust to the new environment and everything, but there isn’t really going to be space available to move in to an apartment after one quarter… Especially not to the college I ranked first… Does anyone know if you can reserve a spot in an apartment? (I ranked Kresge as my first)… I really wanted to avoid living in dormitories…
<p>I mean, how is there going to be an open space in an apartment by the second quarter? :(</p>
<p>Maybe they save them. My goal is to live in an apt too (kresge is my number one). I’m sure there will be one for us!</p>