Manhattanville College vs Ohio Wesleyan University

Hi all! I am doubting between Manhattanville College and Ohio Wesleyan University. I was accepted to Ohio Wesleyan University with a 32k scholarship (renewable) and to Manhattanville with a 23k scholarship. However, the average cost of attendance is higher. I am still awaiting my Financial Aid awards.

I am an international student and I am torn between the two colleges. Both are approximately half an hour away from a big city (Ohio Wesleyan from Columbus and Manhattanville from NYC) and both have the exact academic program I am interested in: communication studies.

I think Manhattanville would have better internship opportunities in New York. However, from the things I have read, Ohio Wesleyan has a more active campus life and Manhattanville College doesn’t do a lot to make that happen. Also, I feel like Ohio Wesleyan has a prettier campus. Yet, being an international student it is difficult to judge this because I can’t actually make an on-campus visit.

Manhattanville College also has a 1300 dollar enrollment deposit for international students due May 1st, which should not hinder my decision, but it is definitely challenging considering during that time I should also book my ticket, pay 500 dollars for a visa, etc. Ohio Wesleyan has a significantly lower enrollment deposit and to be honest I think a 1300 dollar enrollment deposit is slightly ludicrous to begin with.

Another thing I like about Manhattanville College though, is that they are linked to the United Nations.

Could people please give me some information on these colleges?

  • Internship opportunities
  • Helpful staff (financial aid office, professors etc.)
  • Dorms/campus/on-campus dining
  • Academics
  • Activities
  • How renowned are both institutions? I know they're both no Ivy League or top-notch, but is there one which would be deemed ''better'' by employers or about the same level?

I REALLY hope quite a few people can help me by giving some opinions here. It’s very difficult and scary as an international to make a decision like this and I can’t visit both campuses first.

Thank you!!

applied to mville this week but obviously still have to hear back, so excited! congrats on your acceptances. looks like you got the highest scholarships at both colleges, way to go (:

following this thread!