<p>I'm #16 on the waitlist for Music 20A (Basic Musicianship). Since it's manual, that means that the professor/department chooses who stays and who goes--- but there really aren't that many spots left, so should I just drop the class and forget about it? Does anyone know anything more about manual waitlists? I only vaguely understand how they work.</p>
<p>the staff will manually update the waitlist. they have a criteria such as upperclassmen preferred, prereqs met, etc. if i were you i would leave myself on the waiting list and check now and then. you never know if you'll get in.</p>
<p>music 20a is a popular class that people sign up for and then end up dropping. last semester, i was like number 21 on the waitlist and got into the class. just go to the first class and see what happens.</p>
<p>Hmm...does emailing/calling the professor help? It seems that it would annoy him more than appease him, but if you can persuade him/her to let you in the class with a good reason, I am sure it's worth a shot.</p>