Manufacturing engineering vs Mechanical engineering?

My son was accepted to manufacturing engineering ( alternate major) instead of mechanical engineerinng (impact major) at CPP.

Both programs are ABET accredited and he is thinking about to change to ME after attended CPP rather than go to other state schools for ME (ABET accredited) which has accepted him as primary major.

Just in case, he is not able to change to ME. Any ideas regarding manufacturing engineering?

  1. It is similar to ME, since it sounds like mechine oriented?
  2. Job Outlook?
  3. Is it harder or easier than ME?


My son was a MechE and will do manufacturing in his first job. One of his two internships.

I’m not an engineer but I believe manufacturing is more related to industrial engineering in many ways.

He should attend a school where he can study what he wants to and not an alternate path assuming he has an affordable option.

Good luck.

Ps - he mainly applied for manufacturing engineering programs. And had lots of interviews. His search was mechanical and they all came up. Would it have been as good if he was an Industrial, I don’t know.

CPP or any school should have either posted career outcomes or you should ask the career center for results including % employed, where employed, and starting salaries.

Good luck

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There is some crossover. MEs will go deeper into fluids, mechanics, vibrations, etc. while taking less system level coursework. I suspect, but I’m not certain, that it’s easier for a ME to get a manufacturing job than for a manufacturing engineer to get say a design job.

What is the school that admitted him into ME?

Cal POly Pomona. Any info?


I thought CPP was manufacturing and that he’s accepted to another school for ME. What school is that, or did I misread it?