Many Nursing Acceptances are out. So where are you planning to attend-and why?

<p>My D has decided to attend UMass Amherst! She was sure about UMass until Northeastern came through. One more visit to UMass along with time in the nursing building speaking with graduating seniors reinforced her initial decision. I am very happy for her! I am looking forward to hearing all of the final choices!</p>

<p>My D signed with Case Western last week after we visited the campus on one of the accepted students days. She decided to deposit as we were heading out of the hotel for home. I now close the chapter on the college hunt and move to phase2</p>

<p>Can anyone give me input on PITT nursing vs. Northeastern nursing? I am trying to decide between the two and I have no idea what to do. The money from both is about the same so that isn’t a factor. Any thoughts would help since I have to decide by May 1. </p>

<p>Both are excellent Nursing Programs so you really can’t go wrong attending either of them. If you have a priority about where you are interested in initially working after graduation (Boston or Pittsburg) I would recommend attending the school in the corresponding area. Many new Nursing grads find it is easiest to find their first job thru “connections” they make during the clinical rotations they take while in college. Just one thing to consider. Good luck. </p>

<p>D was accepted into Pitt and Northeastern, I think if you want to graduate in 4 years at Northeastern Nursing you will have to do some summer terms there. They have a coop program there. Please don’t quote me but my recollection was such and one of the reasons D. put Northeastern to the back of her list. She wants to come home summers and she wants to graduate in four years.</p>