Many UA Questions?!

<p>Hi all, new to posting on these boards, but I have been reading all the great advice on here for the past couple of months! I have a bunch of questions about UA, so I’ll try to do this in an organized fashion.
First off, I’m a senior who has applied to UA (haven’t gotten an acceptance yet). I qualify for the Presidential Scholarship. Alright, here we go!</p>

<p>I have not visited Bama yet, but because of the Presidential Scholarship and all of the glowing remarks posted on here about it, it sounds like the kind of place I would love to be (Oh yeah, and my LOVE of football). My question is when would be the best time to visit UA? On the website it says there is A University Day on February 21. Would this be good, or would this be too late to make the first visit?</p>

<p>I am also waiting on an admissions decision from the US Naval Academy. For various reasons, UA is above Annapolis on my list for right now, but I don’t want to enroll until I have made a visit to UA and until I get an acceptance/rejection from Navy. If I wait until February to make the enrollment deposit, will it hurt my chances of getting the room I want? The four bedroom super suites sound pretty cool, and I would love to secure a spot in one of them. While I’m on the subject, is it true that the honors dorms are a little anti-social? Being in a quiet dorm will really help come study time, but I like to have a good time too :).</p>

<p>Along the same lines, I’m wondering what the drinking situation is among the honors dorms. I’m not a crazy “Animal House” kind of guy, and for that reason I don’t plan on rushing. However, I’m kind of afraid of a lockdown heavy academic setting. I’m a happy medium kind of guy. :slight_smile: I understand that many on these boards are parents and your children may not elaborate too much on this, but I’m just a little curious…</p>

<p>Anyway, thanks for all the help!</p>

<p>jh1597: Hi and welcome aboard, you will get great answers here. I am not the resident guru but will try my best.</p>

<p>First: When did you apply to the university?</p>

<p>Second: As soon as you get a mybama account you need to hop right on and complete the scholarship application. Even though it is an assured scholarship this Must be done by the deadline of Dec 1st. You do not need to have your acceptance in hand to do this, just your account info.</p>

<p>Third: The sooner you make the deposit the better it will be for housing. It is a queue, so earlier deposits give you earlier pick times and that is important if you want super suite housing. Last year people who waited had some problems (it was difficult getting their first choice).</p>

<p>Fourth: According to my son who is an honors super suite, it is very quiet in their side of the building. This is conducive to studying. However, you can always have people in (be considerate of your suite mates) or go to parties elsewhere on campus.</p>

<p>Fifth: My son did not visit until January of his senior year and it was his first application but his last college visit. It is just very important in my opinion that you get an opportunity to visit campus. Please arrange your visit prior to going and you will have a better experience.</p>

<p>Good luck in your college selection and hope to “see” you in Bama in the fall.</p>

<p>If you could make it down to campus this Thursday, you could see the Alabama vs. Georgia State game… </p>

<p>I highly recommend visiting when classes are in session so you get a better sense of campus life. Once accepted, you should be sent an invitation to Capstone Scholars Day, which is held during MLK weekend (if you’d like to attend and don’t get an invitation, call the Honors College.) You could have a campus visit on Friday and attend CSD on Saturday. Once you have dates set, contact Jami Gates at the Honors College (205-348-5599 or <a href=“”></a> .)</p>

<p>While the honors dorms are quieter due to their layout. Honors students definitely take pride in their academics, but they also like to have fun. For some, this fun may include parties and alcohol, for others it doesn’t. I know it’s a clich</p>

<p>What state are you in?</p>

<p>I think you’ll be invited to Capstone Honors Day which is (I think) Jan 15th. </p>

<p>However, I think you should try to visit before that.</p>

<p>Have you watched this video?
[YouTube</a> - A&S: This is how college is meant to be](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube) </p>

<p>You say that you’ve applied to Bama…Have you ALSO submitted your scholarship app?</p>

<p>What is your major?</p>

<p>You can check to see if you’ve been accepted on MyBama…Have you set up your MyBama acct with your CWID # from your follow-up email?</p>

<p>And, yes, as others have mentioned above…the honors dorms are pretty quiet. My sons have been in them (altho my older son is in The Bluff this year).</p>

<p>And, you shouldn’t wait to deposit for housing!!!</p>

<p>I am from Kansas. I applied October 5, but my transcript arrived Oct. 28 and my ACT score report arrived Nov. 13. I have not decided on a specific major, but I am going to complete all of the Pre-Med requirements.</p>


<p>Have you submitted the scholarship application? It’s a separate application.</p>

<p>Check your e-mail to see if your mybama account information is available. Then log right on and do scholarship application. Deadline is Dec.1st. You do not have to wait for acceptance. Scholarship application MUST be completed prior to deadline for scholarships.</p>

<p>As far as the honors dorms social scene, my D tells me there are ALWAYS parties if you are looking for one, but it is easy to find quiet study space when you need it.</p>

<p>Best of luck & Roll Tide</p>

<p>Where in Kansas are you from? We are from Overland Park and my daughter and I just got back from our visit.</p>

<p>I have submitted the scholarship app.</p>

<p>Niccolec, I’m from Prairie Village. We’re close! How did she like the southern feel down there? I’m interested to hear if it’s different from the midwest.</p>