March 10th Anxiety :(

<p>Anyone have any tips on how to distract myself ...</p>

<p>got rejected last year so this year is even worse :O i am like scared out of my mind ...</p>

<p>any advice ?</p>

<p>Would greatly appreciate it !</p>

<p>Get outside and exercise to burn off some stress and lift your mood. Playing a game with others (whether basketball, video game, or otherwise) might help. Help someone else - volunteer at a soup kitchen etc to put things in perspective and realize how lucky you really are. Read a good mystery novel. Just some ideas…pick what helps. Good luck to you.</p>

<p>Ditto! 2nd time was the charm for a lot of students on this board last year. Stay positive. Worrying is a waste of precious energy. Comfort food to raise your serotonin levels. Immerse in something fun. We’ll all keep our fingers crossed for you.</p>

<p>See a movie. See a good friend who won’t be driven nuts (if you are so lucky!). Listen to music.</p>

<p>Reassure yourself that a rejection isn’t the end of the world; if this door doesn’t open, remember that there is a huge amount of chance in this process for everyone, and that there <em>will</em> be further opportunities if you continue to work hard.</p>

<p>Certainly my career has had its ups and downs many times; but the work ends up paying off, even if there were times I’ve been bitterly disappointed in the 40 years since I was in boarding school; and the route to good colleges can come through whichever door you end up going through.</p>

<p>Find someone on this forum who is more stressed than you are (c’mon, you shouldn’t have to look too hard!) and make that person your buddy for the week. Get to know them, find out what schools they’re applying to . . . and do this together.</p>

<p>Here you go . . . mayafairy’s new thread: [Looking</a> for a buddy?](<a href=“]Looking”></p>