March 17th audition results

<p>Has anyone whobaudtioned on march 17 heard if they were accepted or waitlisted or declined?</p>

<p>There is usually about a 2 week turn around time from the date of the audition so between that and the fact that it’s now April anyway, I would expect that you should hear this week.</p>

<p>S just accepted today with scholarship.</p>

<p>Does anyone have info on any talent awards that are available through U of Arts? Didn’t see mention of this type of scholarship on their website.</p>

<p>Here is the link and description of University scholarships:</p>

<p>[Types</a> of Aid | The University of the Arts](<a href=“]Types”>Undergraduate Financial Aid | University of the Arts)</p>

<p>University Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and demonstrated talent. The Trustee, Presidential, International Presidential, Sam S. McKeel Promising Young Artists Scholarship, and Artist Grant as well as Director’s Scholarships are types of University Scholarships.</p>

<p>When my daughter matriculated as a freshman in September 2007, the top scholarship was the Presidential and was $10,000/yr for 4 years. The next level down was the Promising Young Artist at $8,00/yr. By the time my daughter graduated in May 2011, from what I have been told, the Promising Young Artist was up to $12,000/yr. Don’t know what the current levels are for the new structure but in general, UArts is very generous with talent/merit scholarships. The highest levels are based on both academics and talent.</p>

<p>Thanks for sharing some real numbers, which is what I could not find on the website. I did see the named scholarships, but at this point, after reviewing dozens of schools, I’ve become a bit spoiled with finding current dollar amounts attached to those named scholarships, which really does help with determining affordability if a scholarship were to be awarded! :slight_smile: We’re not even applying to schools in this price range w/o knowing there’s at least a possibility of scholarships being made available. Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>Oops, just noticed my typo. That “$8,00” should be “$8,000”. As I think back, the Presidential was increased to $12,000 in 2008 and if the Promising Young Artist was $12,000 in 2011, I would imagine the others increased as well. If you call the admissions office, I am sure they will share the current levels for each category. They will also share the number of scholarships awarded which historically has been high. Most students get some level of scholarship assistance.</p>

<p>That’s good to know. I’m surprised they don’t want that type of information displayed in a prominent place on their website for those like us who are doing comparisons of the various programs and searching for scholarship opportunities. I do appreciate your help.</p>

<p>My daughter was just accepted with a Trustee Scholar. I stumbled onto this thread (I usually only post on the drama board) just doing a Google search for Trustee Scholar and U of Arts to see what info I could find as to how it fits in to the structure. </p>

<p>She was awarded $14K as a Trustee Scholar. I know a post above referenced that the awards are based on part talent and part academic. My daughter has mediocre academic stats so at least in her case it appears to have been awarded strictly on the audition.</p>