<p>Even though they hate each other, Susan and Mary are good friends and they even write children’s stories together. </p>
<p>Confirm “her portraits”</p>
<p>Confirm nevertheless –> therefore.</p>
<p>Even though they hate each other, Susan and Mary are good friends and they even write children’s stories together. </p>
<p>Confirm “her portraits”</p>
<p>Confirm nevertheless –> therefore.</p>
<p>Section 3. … I think.</p>
<p>“abundances —> abundance”</p>
<p>What was the question for this?</p>
<p>just a question but will i get points taken off for having the wrong name as one of my examples for the essay? i wrote about what andrew johnson did but for some weird malfunction of my brain i put down andrew JACKSON as his name. is that bad?</p>
<p>No, they won’t really care, or even notice for that matter.</p>
<p>Consolidated Writing Section </p>
<p>Section (Long):</p>
<p>Sentence Improvement:
The emperor penguin [__], the average standing at 45 inches tall. Answer was C. </p>
<p>No Errors (There were 3):
Hikers that went through the forest with the canopy (top right of first page)
Indian writer that used colloquial English (middle right of first page)
Unathletic boy who became adept at Ultimate Frisbee (bottom left of second page)</p>
<p>Idiom Errors:
succeeded in –> should be succeeded at</p>
<p>Redundancy Errors:
return back (top right of second page)</p>
abundances —> abundance</p>
Had went
Have —> Had (romans concrete)</p>
<p>Paragraph Improvement:
However —> therefore
suggesting planning, insight, perhaps even use of tools —> suggests planning …
Number 35 —> sentence should be placed after sentence 14. Answer E. </p>
<p>Section 10:
Last 5 answers were E - D - E - E - E
Elections as a result of either … or …
Portraits question (last one) was misplaced modifier. Answer was E.
but, according to (other answers had comma splices)
Even though they hate each other, Susan and Mary are good friends and they even write children’s stories together.</p>
<p>What was the abundance/abundances sentence?</p>
<p>Yes someone else “However, therefore” or whether it was E?</p>
<p>I don’t remember the abundance sentence either.</p>
<p>also it was nevertheless not however –> therefore</p>
<p>“suggesting planning, insight, perhaps even use of tools —> suggests planning …”</p>
<p>did anyone confirm this? im sure it wasnt even an answer so it really should not be on the “consolidated list”</p>
<p>Anyone remember the penguin question?</p>
<p>Wait Susan and Mary are replacement names for Maxime and that other girl, right? I don’t want a question confusion.</p>
<p>“abundances —> abundance”</p>
<p>What was the question for this? </p>
<p>I think it might be experimental</p>
<p>I don’t remember the one about abundance(s) either…</p>
Two people agreed to it. Tell me if you disagree though. </p>
<p>I do not remember the abundance sentence. It may have been experimental. **It is out now</p>
<p>Edit: I also changed Mary to Maxime as per MattNC’s request. </p>
<p>Consolidated Writing Section </p>
<p>Section (Long):</p>
<p>Sentence Improvement:
The emperor penguin [__], the average standing at 45 inches tall. Answer was C. </p>
<p>No Errors (There were 3):
Hikers that went through the forest with the canopy (top right of first page)
Indian writer that used colloquial English (middle right of first page)
Unathletic boy who became adept at Ultimate Frisbee (bottom left of second page)</p>
<p>Idiom Errors:
succeeded in –> should be succeeded at</p>
<p>Redundancy Errors:
return back (top right of second page)</p>
Had went
Have —> Had (romans concrete)</p>
<p>Paragraph Improvement:
Nevertheless —> therefore
suggesting planning, insight, perhaps even use of tools —> suggests planning … (Need confirmation)
Number 35 —> sentence should be placed after sentence 14. Answer E. </p>
<p>Section 10:
Last 5 answers were E - D - E - E - E
Elections as a result of either … or …
Portraits question (last one) was misplaced modifier. Answer was E.
but, according to (other answers had comma splices)
Even though they hate each other, Susan and Maxime are good friends and they even write children’s stories together.</p>
<p>I also claim this an experimental question.</p>
<p>If there are a few more verifications, we can take it off the list.</p>
<p>suggesting planning, insight, perhaps even use of tools —> suggests planning
was this experimental?</p>
<p>what was the abundances —> abundance sentence? I don’t seem to remember that one</p>
<p>also what was the suggesting planning, insight, perhaps even use of tools —> suggests planning … (Need confirmation) question?</p>
<p>so far -1 because I overlooked redundancy of return back…</p>
<p>mattnc, no it wasn’t. that’s just not the correct answer. (as i’ve been saying-- it wasnt an answer at all…) it wasnt a sentence error question, it was the paragraph revision about the octopus protecting itself with rocks during its naps</p>
<p>jubilant- do you remember any of the other choices for that “suggests planning” questioN?</p>