Marine Science Students

Hi all.
Congrats to those who have been accepted and good luck to those of you who are still waiting on decisions. I wanted to start a thread for prospective Marine or Atmospheric Science students so you all can have your questions answered about RSMAS or UM in general.

I applied for Marine Science/Biology. Is the acceptance rate into RSMAS different than the overall one, or are students accepted without taking into account their intended major?

^ I was also wondering the same thing. During an information session I was told that you are admitted to the university regardless of what major you select, however a RSMAS student told me that the admissions offices holds RSMAS applicants to higher standards. I applied ED for Marine Science/Biology

Good luck! I wouldn’t worry too much about it because when I talked to the Mar Sci undergrad faculty, I remember them saying they look for a 1290 to 1400 on the SAT (CR + M). Which is basically the same as the overall stats for SAT at Miami

@FishesNBitches I’ve been told by my peers that the RSMAS acceptance rate is closer to 10% than UM’s 30%. How true that is I can’t say but it is what I’ve heard numerous times by both students and professors. Good luck to you both! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.