Married After FAFSA was submitted

I am a newly wed and we recently moved. When my husband and I tried to change the FAFSA to independent, it gave us an error and we aren’t sure what to do. We have our marriage certificate and we were wondering if there was anything we could do to change our status on our FAFSA for school. PLEASE HELP!!! We are hoping to go to school soon!!!

Go to the FA office of the school you want to attend and have them help you make changes.

If you are going next fall, then you will use fafsa for the 2016-17 year and you file that after the start of next year. Why did you file fafsa if you are not in school now? If you are enrolling for spring you will have to contact the school you were accepted to.

Our ds filed his FaFSA 2 weeks before his marriage and he was informed that he could not change his status after he had already filed. You may not be able to change your status.

^^ How long ago was that? Rules have changed and sometimes an FA officer can now change marital status after FAFSA is filed.

5 yrs ago. It was frustrating bc he went in to the FA office before he filed and they were the ones who told him to file when he did.

I googled changing status. It is unclear whether status can be changed after marriage. OP, you need to go into your FA office and talk to them.

@gothikprincess1 When are you hoping to go to school? Now? Spring 2016? Fall 2016?

@Mom2aphysicsgeek ahh…that must have been frustrating! I wonder why they gave such silly advice. Why tell him to file (with parent info) when he was getting married a couple weeks later?