Maryland v Wisconsin

<p>Anyone in the same boat as me? trying to decided between Maryland and U. Wisconsin. I'm leaning towards wisconsin, any advice?</p>

<p>yes, i am. I am leaning heavily toward UMD. I live 25 minutes from campus. I am instate and have received $7000 i don't have to pay back. It will cost me $11,000 at UMD and I am a direct admit to the business school. If wisconsin admitted people directly and I got into the business school this would be a slightly greater competition.</p>

<p>whats your major? WHere do you live?</p>

<p>My major is business as well. I was not accepted right away to Smith (even though i should have) I live in central jersey. Right now my parents want me real bad to go to UMD, because they both went there. I already visited both shcools and did not love UMD but did love wisco. My parent want me to go back to UMD in the spring, but im scared I iwll change my view, and want to go tehre.</p>

<p>Go To Uwisc!!!!111</p>

<p>you shouldn't be scared of what you will want, lol. However, under the circumstances, I say if you have confidence that you can pull a 3.5 go to wisconsin. That is the average of those who get into business at wisconsin junior year. If your parents want you to go to UMD then you need to express your view point. I feel this should be your choice as long as there are no financial restraints that your parents aren't willing to pay(which there aren't). IF you like wisconsin- go. </p>

<p>More specifically, if you are looking at individual majors, I feel UMD is good at tech stuff(as they say LEaders of the Digital Economy) and Wisconsin is better at everything else when it comes to business.</p>

<p>You won't be able to enter either business school till your junior year so that plays no factor as it does for me. The smith school is hard to get into as a freshman with an average SAT of 1360 but it is pretty easy to get in otherwise. 3.0 by junior year right now. Thats it. You can go to UMD sure that you will get into the business school if you moderately well. Wisconsin is an average of a 3.5. I am not sure if that average is skewed though and that is what I am trying to find out. I don't think UMD's 3.0 is an average, I think it is a baseline for a chance to get in. I am pretty sure that a 3.0 is not garanteed by any means though. A 3.1-2 could be good enough at wisconsin if those numbers are indeed skewed but like I said I don't know. </p>

<p>Anyone want to shed some light on that?</p>

<p>A 3.2 should do it. Remember 3.5 is an average indicating a range from 3.0-4.0.</p>

<p>If you're from Maryland, why not goto Wisconsin and experience something new? Wisconsin is obviously a better school in every aspect as well.</p>