Massive ACT Problems

<p>So, I received word from ACT about my April state-wide test scores. Guess what? They "lost" it. After a dozen weeks of them repeating "it has not been graded" they finally admit to losing my test.</p>

<p>Now this would not be too big of a deal, except that it was the two-day required state testing. You have to have the ACT score from this two-day test in order to graduate high school. So now I cannot graduate, unless I retake both days of this test...during my senior year.</p>

<p>Also, I registered for the upcoming September test date, but now that I know I have to take the ACT again for this state testing, I want to cancel that test date (Why take it twice during senior year?)</p>

<p>However, ACT will not let me cancel my test date this late and no correct me if I am wrong, ACT is a non-for-profit organization, yet they will not refund me even after they LOST a previous test???</p>

<p>Geez lost your test? I would be pretty dang ****ed off if that ever occured to me. Call them and raise heck. You deserve some type of refund.</p>

<p>raise a stink, get a lawyer; This shouldn't have happened.</p>

<p>^if i were in your shoes, i would be complaining a ton to them... especially because of how ****ed off i would be</p>