Massive loans @ MIT vs. full ride at UMD

<p>*hey i am in the same situation as the OP, i have a full ride to UMD plus MD Distinguished Scholar finalist ($3,000 a year) and i also was just accepted off the waitlist to my dream school, Dartmouth, which gave us no financial aid because my parents make over $100,000 but we live in a very expensive area…</p>

<p>how did your decision turn out? *</p>

<p>If the OP chose MIT, it’s still toooooooo early to know how his decision turned out because he’s still in college and not yet faced with those mega-sized loan payments. </p>

<p>BTW…his thread title should have been: Ruined Adult Life vs Stable Future</p>


<p>I want to major in International Relations with a focus on government/politics and a minor in Italian studies.</p>

<p>i have a full ride to UMD plus MD Distinguished Scholar finalist ($3,000 a year) and i also was just accepted off the waitlist to my dream school, Dartmouth, which gave us no financial aid because my parents make over $100,000 but we live in a very expensive area…</p>

<p>Who would pay for Dartmouth? Your parents? You (with loans)??? </p>

<p>UMaryland is sooo close to WashDC…it makes little sense with your major to go to Dartmouth.</p>

<p>Besides…with your major, won’t you want to do a lot of study abroad stuff? If so, take the free ride so that is more affordable.</p>

<p>Try this…Call Dartmouth and tell them about your free ride to UM-CP…see if they’ll cough up some money. We had a friend do this with Columbia and it worked.</p>

<p>Your family income must be a lot more than $100K if D gave you no FA at all, and/or your family must have a lot saved for your college expenses. D has very generous FA.</p>

<p>They can appeal the D FA decision. If there are particular circumstances that affect the ability to pay, D may well give you more and/or restructure your package. I don’t know that they would respond to a merit award elsewhere, since their FA is strictly need-based.</p>

<p>If D cannot give you enough to make the figures work for your family, rejoice in the fact that you have a full ride to a great school.</p>