Master list of Direct Entry Nursing Programs:

Good to hear. I am still confused why she will be getting a BA insyead of a BSN.

San Diego State avg freshman nursing admit GPA

Why is Cal State Fullerton not on the list?

University of San Francisco (USF)
University of San Diego (USD)

Not USD just USF

Just found out she is actually getting a BSN and not a BA.
Separate child question: finishing a non-nursing bachelor and masters, and looking at a nursing bachelor and maybe masters. Do the Nursing Masters programs (for non-nursing bachelor holders) include a BSN degree? It looks like some do not. Some might. A bit confused here.

As noted by another person, Wilson College in Chambersburg PA is starting a BSN program. They are working on obtaining acreditation.

Luzerne County Community College has started a joint BSN program with Kingā€™s College in Northeast PA.

Hey folks - my daughter is a junior but we are gathering information on nursing degrees in preparation for next year. I think I might have a really good list of direct admit programs in Ohio by the time I am done (and I will post them). I do have a question, however, of those of you who say you spoke with admissions or the nursing program director.

Did you, as a parent, call or email them questions? Iā€™m wondering if that is looked upon negatively, positively or neutrally - as oppposed to the student emailing or calling (although I guess you could impersonate your kid in an email). Is it best to talk to the nursing director?

I am finding some peopleā€™s definition of ā€œdirect admitā€ differs from mine. Some colleges are very forthright with the information, others put gobbledygook on their web pages that is open to interpretation. My daughter is coming up with a list but she definitely needs help weeding through all the wording.

My daughter is a senior this year and applying to Direct Entry Programs in North East and Mid Atlantic States. We found that she got most of the good nursing information she needed on school open house visits and tours. She always asked to see the Sim Labs and talk with Nursing teachers. When information was unavailable on tours she would email the school admissions department, copying both the nursing director and the registrarā€™s office. Normally someone would get back to her from one or the other.
She and I have both emailed, and yes, sometimes for the sake of expediency, I sent from her college email account. They were all very cordial and willing to help.
There is a list and a spreadsheet buried within this thread that has a great list of direct entry programs.
My daughter is nearing the end with her applications as she is applying EA to all of her schools.Itā€™s been quite an exciting journey for her.
Wishing you and your daughter the best.

@bearcatfan my daughter is a freshman at Otterbein in the nursing program, I was a clinical instructor for them and got my MSN from them (Iā€™m an NP) Inbox me if you have questions


@bearcatfan check your inbox.

Canals: Yes, my daughter learned a great deal from getting an informative tour of the nursing dept. facilities at the college she eventually selected. In her case, she contacted the admissions office and asked to be put in touch with the right person in the nursing dept. It was a very helpful supplement to the generic college tour, where the tour guide often will know nothing about nursing and where the nursing facilities often are not on the tour.

Many colleges will offer tours and info sessions for specific departments on admitted student days, but they may be offered late in the process.

If the college refuses to cooperate in providing a tour, that may also tell you something about the lack of a personal nature of the college.

@bearcatfan I have emailed colleges on my sonā€™s behalf. I donā€™t think it was viewed negatively. My inquiries were made usually before we visited. Good luck!

The master list on this thread has been a godsend for my daughter and started our journey in applying to nursing schools. We literally made a spreadsheet and started looking up location, average GPAs and SATs/ACTs on line, then NCLEX passing ratesā€¦etc, narrowing down our list as we went along. Just heard from West Chester, PA with her first letter of acceptance! Good luck to all our all kids applying to college this year! This website has been an amazing help.

Congrats on West Chester. That is a great town, too, but the off-campus housing and the newer on-campus housing can be expensiveā€¦

Thank you Charliesch! This first acceptance is a big exhale; nursing has become insane, especially on West Coast where we r. I notice that you are very active on this forum with lots of interesting insight, even though your daughter got in a few years ago. Has this become a passion :slight_smile: ?

My daughter graduates with a BSN in May. I spent a great amount of time researching her colleges and the colleges for my son, that if I didnā€™t pass on something that I learned, it would feel like a waste.

Speaking of competitiveness ā€¦ how can you tell how competitive a college program really is? So far, on our list of 9 colleges/universities offering a BSN, my daughter well exceeds the GPA, high school courses and extra curriculars suggested (she hasnā€™t taken the ACT yet, so who knows on that). Only one college has a general admission rate of less than 70 percent. On Ohio Stateā€™s website (which is not direct admit and not on our list) they are straightforward about the percentage who got into nursing and what their stats are. I realize all college admissions are a crapshoot, but what are some buzz words or stats to look for to get a realistic idea of her chances?

I donā€™t know if this is a hook, per se, but all 9 have a very low number of Asian students (university-wide, donā€™t know about nursing in particular). She is adopted from China.

@Charliesch but anyone is welcome to answer. I thought about the tag after my time to edit had passed.