<p>After two kids doing Undergraduate, I am feeling out of my element as my son now goes through the process of applying to grad school's. For his field, he has chosen to apply for a Masters at this time. He only applied to four schools. Unlike Undergraduate where each school has a well published date and procedure for notifying accepted students, I cannot find any such information at the graduate studies level. The following are the schools to which he submitted applications:</p>
<p>Harvard SEAS
Northeastern College of Computer and Information Science
Boston University School of Arts and Sciences</p>
<p>For Harvard I was able to find the following:
Key Dates
December 31 Application Due Date (by 5 p.m. EST)
Mid-December Process and review of applications
March Open house for admitted students
April Decision letters mailed
May 1 Reply date for admitted students
How can there be an open house for admitted students with a date earlier than the decision letters being mailed?</p>
<p>For Tufts, and NE, I cannot find anything. For BU, it states that to find out information about acceptances, the specific department of application should be contacted.</p>
<p>Is there a typical protocol for Master's? I know that PhD acceptance calls have been going out already for various schools. (Are Master's done by phone as well?)</p>
<p>Thank you for any information you can share.</p>