Master's in Engineering without an Undergrad Engineering Degree

Hi everyone

My undergrad is in business and I have an MBA. I want to get an engineering degree but I realize that I won’t be qualified for a master’s in engineering without an undergrad engineering degree, at least from the

I work in the energy sector and an engineering degree would definitely help. What are my options at this point? Do I have to go through the entire bachelor degree all over again? I heard that there are “engineering transition programs” out there that allow non-engineering undergrads to go for a master’s in engineering by fulfilling some prerequisites. But I don’t know exactly which school would offer that. Please help. Thanks!


You sound like the perfect candidate for BU’s LEAP (Late Entry Accelerated Program) program Students without ENG undergrad degrees successfully complete a series of core undergrad coursework (Phase 1) before transitioning to either an MS or MEng in their chosen engineering discipline. This program welcomes 50 new students each fall, from a huge array of backgrounds and from all over the country and world. There’s an upcoming online LEAP Information Session on November 3rd @5pm. RSVP at