Master's in Environment Management

<p>My application for the Environment Management programme has been accepted by the Nicholas School of the Environment (Duke University), for Fall 2009. (I have also received an acceptance letter from CMU-(Environment Science, Engineering, and Management), and have been wait listed by Yale School of Forestry and Environment for the MEM course).</p>

<p>I will probably end up going to Duke, considering the small chance of being accepted from the Waiting list (I've been told the chances are small, I don't know how true this is). - Comments please.</p>

<p>Now, I KNOW Duke's MEM programme is among the best, comparable to Yale, but I would like some inputs on this from anyone who knows about the programme (current students, faculty, anyone). Inputs on the lines of a) Teaching/Faculty, b) Career Prospects in the specific field (with respect to how recruitment are at Duke). I will be specializing in Energy and Environment Policy.</p>

<p>Any other inputs are welcome. I know this is a bit vague, but I'd just like to hear more about the programme. I live in India by the way, so it's so much harder for me to get information. </p>
