Masters in History, English or Education? / How to get skills for learning to build computers.

Hi, need some advice. Would it be better to major in History, English or Education? I enjoy all three subjects and my long term goal would be to become a teacher. I am skilled with computers and if I had my way, I would major in the computer building kind of major. However, I’m not sure what major would be best for that. I enjoy building gaming computers and I am skilled in computer work. I don’t know how good of a degree that would be. For teaching, I am interested in English and History (or teaching film, but I’ve heard that is in low demand). Any opinions?

You should look into what you would study if you wanted to be a high school computer science teacher. You would probably study secondary education with an emphasis in computers or technology. Your question is a bit confusing - I assume your subject line should say “majors” instead of “masters.”

@CheddarcheeseMN Yeah, sorry about that. what I meant was “should I pursue my masters in one of these fields”. Based on my interests, I would say computer work is the most interesting, then literature and finally history.