<p>I'm very interested in applying for the macc programs at several schools in the US. I got a few questions regarding the admission statistics/process.</p>
<li><p>is it HARDER for International students to get into these programs, compared with domestic students? do colleges require higher standardized scores or gpa from international students?</p></li>
<li><p>how big of a factor is internship taken in college in getting admissions?
is internship in finance, (but outside accounting-auditing) viewed favorably by the admissions office? how about enrollment in the cfa program? currenlty, i'm a level II candiate. Can they offset a low gpa (around 3.0)? </p></li>
<li><p>Considering the facts above, what is my chance of getting into schools such as university of texas, uiuc, vanderbilt, or boston college assuming that i score around 650-700 on gmat? FYI, I went to a top 30 univ. for undergrad.</p></li>