Masters programs in Classics

<p>what are good masters programs in classics that will help someone get into a top Phd program</p>

<p>@ josiemax</p>

<p>Try this website. Pick a state where you would like to pursue the degree:</p>

<p>Classics</a> Graduate Schools & Programs, PhD & Masters (MA) Programs in Classics?</p>

<p>josiemax - a lot will depend on your language preparation. If you just need some more Latin and Greek, you might want to consider one of the "post-bac" programs such as the one here at Penn:</p>

<p>University</a> of Pennsylvania's College of General Studies | Post-Baccalaureate Classical Studies Program</p>

<p>As you probably already know, Classics PhD programs have gotten insanely competitive the last few years and of course many of the top programs offer only the PhD. So now that I've evaded you actual question I'll tell you my plan:</p>

<p>1) 2008-2009 Post bac at Penn.
2) 2009-2011 MA program "somewhere".
3) 2011-???? Find a PhD program that will take me</p>

<p>For the MA I'm looking at the big state schools in the midwest and some smaller universities that only offer the MA such as Vanderbilt and Washington University St. Louis. Because I'm doing this less for a future TT position (I'm 54) than for love of the subject I'm also looking at PhD programs in the "2nd tier" that might be questionable choices if I was 22 and planning my entire life.</p>

<p>Outside my geographic area, I've heard good things about Florida State's and Arizona's programs. </p>

<p>One last thing - talk seriously to your current professors about what your potential PhD area might be. That may help you narrow your MA search to schools that have compatible strengths.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the info. This is for my son. Very strong background in Greek and Latin and some Sanskrit and ancient Egyptian. Got side tracked this last year and did not apply to grad school. Excellent grades and GRE's.Heard that Harvard and Princeton didnt take people without a masters and is looking to strenthen application further. Interested in Ancient history aspects of classics.</p>