Match Me: International Students CS [777766 IB scores, 1340 SAT, <$40k]

I have revised my list. Any thoughts? Other suggestions. Can afford about 40K.
Case Western Reserve University
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Grinnell College
Haverford College
Santa Clara University
Texas A&M University
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Have you run NPCs to see what the schools say you can afford ? Or as we are told they may not be accurate, ask for a pre read.

You can remove the last two for sure. You canā€™t get close to $40k at Wisconsin or A&M.

They all seem reaches to me based on your SAT.

You should look at a school like Alabama or perhaps there are others with low tuition like W Carolina, Miss State that could assure you at $40k.

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I would replace TAMU either with a Texas university where your odds of major+merit are higher (UHouston, Southwestern, Austin Collegeā€¦ perhaps) or, based on the rest of your list, on another "Northern"university that has strong science&math: if you like UWisconsin, look into U Minnesota Twin cities, St Olaf, U Minnesota Morris, Kalamazoo, Lawrence, Beloit, Knox, U Wisconsin La Crosse or Eau Claire; if you like Grinnell and Haverford, what about Wheaton Massachusetts, Skidmore, Wooster, Dickinson, Drew? If you like Santa Clara, what about UScranton or Fordham?

Would Kenyon, Denison, William&Mary, Carleton be within budget?

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Santa Clara wonā€™t be affordable. D16 had much better stats and got very little in merit. They use the CSS profile.

University of Central Florida will come in just under $40K.

Need based aid uses the CSS Profileā€¦not merit.

But I also wonder whether this college will be affordable.

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