Match Me - rising high school senior interested in pre-med, ambitious w/ high hopes but building diverse list [CO resident, 3.904 GPA, 33 ACT super score]

Don’t mention the ones from 7th or 8th grade; colleges are only interested in 9th grade on up.

My suggestions from your previous thread still stand, though I’ve unbolded the ones I think you might be less interested in. Also, you may want to have a conversation with your family to see if they are will to cover all your educational expenses through medical school (8 years), or if they would be willing to use any savings from college towards medical school. (What I mean is, if you attend a college that is $30k/year rather than $90k/year, would they let the $240k savings ($60k/year) be applied toward med school instead.) If they’re willing and able to pay for all 8 years of your planned education, great. If not, I would strongly urge you to spend less on undergrad so that you don’t have to take as much out in loans for medical school.

I’ll think of some more schools for you, though.