Match me: Rising senior in Florida, 3.7/1400 for Sociology [FAFSA EFC = $0]


  • US domestic ** US citizen
  • State/Location of residency: FL
  • Type of high school Public (Charter)
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity (optional): Hispanic, born in venezuela
  • Other special factors (first generation to college, legacy, athlete, etc.):
    first gen
    Intended Major(s) Sociology or psychology

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.7 (3.8 in UC System)
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): 4.8 (4.6 in UC system; doesn’t weigh AP?)
  • Class Rank: Top 15%
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 1400 superscore

8 APS, but will be applying with 11.
AP Spanish Language: 5, AP World History: 3, AP Seminar: 5, AP European History: 4, AP English Language: 5, APUSH: 3, AP Psych: 5, AP Art History: 4
AP Classes next year: APHUG, AP Chem, AP Lit
3 Dual Classes, taking a total of 5-6 dual classes next year, graduating with my Associates (school limits in-school dual enrollment for seniors who have finished their credits, so most dual enrollment classes at my school could only be taken after school which collided with my family’s schedule). Took honors classes whenever they were available

I think this is my weakest section
AP Scholar With Distinction
English Student of the Year
Constant Principal Honor Roll throughout 2 years

Internship with the Organization of American States (diplomatic body in the Americas): Wrote a research paper under their mentorship
Part of a group of cyber reporters for a Venezuelan channel with over 400k followers on Instagram, 884k subscribers on Youtube. Work includes working to end the lack of journalism in Venezuela due to the dictatorship.
Working with Hispanic Media Director of the Democratic Party (just started, can’t say much about tasks yet)
Worked with many nonprofits to deliver resources to impoverished Hispanic households

(Optionally, guess how strong these are and include any other relevant information or circumstances.)
Essay: 8/10
LOR from my Psych teacher: 10/10
LOR from Counselor: 7/10
Cost Constraints / Budget Income below 60k, EFC of 0. I will need to rely on need based scholarships to attend colleges without debt

Familiar with Florida colleges due to me living there, and Bright Futures. But I would like the chance to go out of state as well.
Also, I would like to apply for the Questbridge Match. But I’m unsure if my stats are good enough to be matched or chosen as a finalist. If so, what colleges would be best to apply to through QB?

  • Safety (certain admission and affordability)
  • Likely (would be possible, but very unlikely or surprising, for it not to admit or be affordable)
  • Match
    UCF, FSU
  • Reach

As a reach suggestion, look into whether Pitzer might be affordable.

The OP mentions possibly applying to Questbridge, so likely they are low income and would need significant aid at most/all schools they apply to.

Yes. They said:

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Are you especially familiar with Pitzer’s financial aid programs? It seems that the OP could check Pitzer’s Net Price Calculator for further information.


I would check out Centre College in Kentucky. It has about 1300 undergrads and you could be a competitive applicant for some of its full cost scholarships: Scholarships & Fellowships | Centre College. It’s a member of the Colleges That Change Lives association (its school profile page: Centre College – Colleges That Change Lives) and also has a popular international studies major, in addition to your fields of interest.

I certainly think it’s worthwhile to apply to QuestBridge, though I’m unsure about your prospects for a match. But with the end of affirmative action, I suspect that colleges will be leaning on programs like QB to help maintain a diverse entering class. Perhaps @Mwfan1921 might have more insight?

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Oooh Centre College and its scholarships look amazing !! I will consider that thank you


Also in Kentucky, Berea College admits only low-income students; all student receive a full ride and participate in a campus work program. The alumni network and resulting opportunities are excellent. Their range of majors seems to cover all of your interests Majors and Minors - Berea College


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