Hello CC, here is my official match-me as I am a junior in HS and the college application process is slowly starting to creep near. I have a rough list but would love some input as well.
- US citizen
- Florida resident
- Public, Title I High school.
- White (Slavic)
- First-generation student!
Intended Major(s) Literature, Comparative Literature, English, Creative Writing- the works. Minor in journalism, probably.
GPA, Rank, and Test Scores
- Unweighted HS GPA: ~3.6, will go up by the end of the year.
- Weighted HS GPA: 4.3, weighted on a 5pt scale. Will go up by the end of the year as well, as they recalculate GPA over the summer.
- Class Rank: My school is very vague with rank, but out of a class of around 630ish, I am in the top 50. That’s all they’ll really say, I report officially being in the top quartile for applications that ask.
- ACT/SAT Scores: I just took the ACT for the first time and got a 29, with writing. I got a perfect score on the reading and a perfect score on the writing. I intend to actually study, as I did not this go around, and get my score into the 30s.
Regarding my GPA, I missed around 3 months of school due to health complications in my 10th-grade year. No excuse, but worth noting and I will include it on my applications. Unless I shouldn’t?
All offered APs, all offered honors, in my course progression. All of my classes are rigorous and the only non-honors or APs are my electives. All 5s on my AP exams (AP Human Geo, AP World) so far, with a course load this year of AP Environmental Science, AP English Language & Comp, AP US History, and an AICE class (Psych). We just had mocks and I am on track for all 4s and 5s! Took two years of French as that is all my school offered other than Spanish, and I had already taken years of that in elementary and wanted to try something new. Next year, I will take AP Physics, AP Literature, AP Calculus, AP US Government, and AP Macroeconomics. 10 APs, one AICE. I am also looking into the CLEP exams.
Disney Dreamer and Doer award for a charity I started that helps young women in safe houses and shelters have access to self-care products to ease the anxiety of a turbulent situation. I take the products to the girls and chat with them; hang out a bit. I give them everything in a personal bag, purse, etc, and ask them their favorite colors and all so I can make sure they get something they like. I love running this, it keeps me connected with my community.
I am interested in finding more awards to apply to or find, but all writing awards I have applied to have turned me away. Which is okay, I just might not be what they’re looking for! I am confident in my abilities nonetheless.
Chorus, in Varsity (yes, Varsity, lol) now. It is weighted as an honors course and we attend competitions. We just got a superior in our vocal assessments! I intend to try and participate in chorus in college.
Theatre. I am Vice President and will be President next year of my school’s theatre program. I have gotten superiors in all Thespian competitions. I organize everything for my program, and I am trying to direct, write plays, act, and work tech all at once- somehow I can do it, and I love it! I am writing a play now and my school may perform it as we cannot afford to buy the rights to shows usually. I have played all lead roles starting from freshman year. I really would love to participate in theatre in college.
Founded my school’s first student-led club, the Literature Club! Haha, I love it so much, and I look forward to it every month. We just talk and have a really good time, and I found some like-minded individuals at my school so we have a great time chatting. I try to connect them with scholarships and grants that pertain to writing or lit. I am President as well but have a fully functioning leadership team.
NHS President next year! I was President of our community outreach organization team this year and I loved it. It was a great experience.
Social Studies National Honor Society President! A great program that I love a lot, I organize community service and outreaches and bring topics for our group to discuss regarding politics, history, social issues, etc.
Trying to start up an English National Honor Society as we do not have one, unfortunately.
Also trying to get a school newspaper running as we do not have one:(
Student Advisory Council- I am the only student who actually goes LOL
TRIO Upward Bound! They are a huge help and I love that program so much.
School of The New York Times 2022! Got in for Creative Writing with substantial financial aid, and I will not personally be paying anything out of pocket as everything else is coming from Upward Bound- they pushed me to apply. I will be going to NYC, my dream city, for the first time.
Yale Young Global Scholars 2022 (: Got in for Literature, Philosophy, and Culture. The cost was 100% covered by them.
My essays are very, very strong. Any program I have ever gotten into comments about my essays and how they liked them. I am a writer, though, and I spend time planning and writing all of my essays. I make them personal and I try to really show my personality. The essay I got the most positive feedback about was one about how I had related a mathematical conjecture to my life, but then worked to come to a conclusion regarding it and was able to guide my life differently and thus grow to not only appreciate mathematics but myself as a person.
My LORs are amazing, and I am very thankful. Both are incredible, but one from my favorite teacher ever (a core teacher who I have had for 2 years) describes me as someone who completely shaped how he sees the world. There is a part where he says that he thought he had a great work ethic until he met me. He mentions I got the highest scores on all of his exams and the end-of-year exam- the highest in the school. I felt very good after reading it, very honored. The other is also amazing, from a younger teacher (also core who I have had for 2 years) who I mostly regard as a friend lol.
Cost Constraints / Budget
I am a veryyyy poor kid from a poor family in a poor area. We can’t afford to contribute anything really, lol, but most everything would be covered by financial aid anyway. We are well below the cutoff for 100% need-based coverage.
As far as schools go, I would like to get out of state. I want a school with a strong academic focus, I do not care for Greek life (I do love Greek life, but more so the whole toga and oral epics rather than frats) or parties (but that is super cool for anyone who does like those things!). Northeast schools; I like urban areas and my dream cities to go to school in would be NYC or Boston, or outside of those areas. I would like to study Latin further in college, as I independently study it now alongside Japanese. I speak conversational Spanish, a bit of French, I am getting better at Latin, and I am moving on to Kanji with my Japanese studying. I would love schools that are more open when it comes to their curriculum, as I would love to be able to take as many classes as possible that aren’t just English 101. I would love to be able to focus on my major all while taking a philosophy class, classics, pure mathematics, etc.
Other than that, I just love literature. I independently study it every day, I mostly study literary history and classic lit. I love it so much and could actually talk about it for hours. It, along with writing, is what I have been interested in my entire life. I would like to be a fiction writer but to support myself or fill in the gaps I intend to pursue a career in journalism, editing, publishing, etc., and write in my free time.
I plan to go to grad school to get my Masters, and my dream grad school is Columbia as I love that school more than anything lol.
Whew. That was a lot. Anyway, thank you for reading! I hope this is a good outline for possible help. Thank you in advance!