Match rising senior, artsy looking for target/likely LAC [VT resident, philosophy, history, photography, film]

Also, Josh Radnor… There are some nice places for hiking and biking around Kenyon, but yes, no snowboarding or climbing (unless you count the big hill :)), as far as I know.


Has he looked at the Claremont Colleges?

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If he’s considering Kenyon, I suggest you take a look at Denison as well, about 45 minutes away but closer to Columbus. Denison is a great LAC with a rich tradition in theater/film - from Hal Holbrook to Steve Carrell and Jennifer Garner, as well as former Disney CEO Michael Eisner, who financed a fabulous new arts center a few years ago. My son just graduated from Denison this past May and, while he majored in other areas, he had very good experiences taking classes in the philosophy, history and film departments. Denison has also historically used generous merit aid to build diverse and interesting classes.


Be a little careful about lists from “CollegeXpress.” The source of their “Experts’ Choice” is actually from a book last revised in 2017 which contains several hundred lists, compiled from a variety of methodologies. While I’m generally in favor of the book’s goal of expanding applicants’ college considerations, many of those lists were based on a survey of 200 independent college consultants and high school counselors that the author conducted back in 2015 (and the author doesn’t reveal the actual number of respondents). This particular list actually came from an article in “Outside Magazine” - from 2003.


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