<p>Well Im in the middle of the app process and i feel like most of the colleges I have applied to have be mainly safeties... I was just wondering if anybody could tell me what might be some matches or slight reaches for me. I prefer schools in midwest or northeast but i think im open to suggestions from anywhere..........
Here are my stats they arent the usual cc amazing but here goes...
URM (african-american)
Current TN resident (recently moved 4rm IN)
First Gen college student
GPA 3.2 UW(2.9 Freshman year but it has risen every semester, 2 3.55 semesters junior year)
SAT:700 verbal 640 math 610 on the stupid writing
ACT:28 Eng 27 math 30 reading 33 science 30 comp
Venture Scholar
National Achievement semi's (pending finalist notification)
2 time regional finalist in track
DECA state finalist (E-commerce)
only taken 1 AP so far but taking AP Calc and AP Bio in my senior year as well as honors eng.
1st Quarter senior grades....
Retail Operations 100
Ap Calculus 78uw 86w (just couldnt bring myself to study)
Honors English IV 96uw 100w
Anatomy/physiology 90
AP Biology 78uw 86w (this class was just plain hard at the beginning)
US Government 95</p>
<p>Schools ive already applied to:
Purdue (accepted)
University of Dayton (accepted)
Ohio University-Athens (still waiting)
Xavier University(EA)</p>