MATH 110

<p>For those whom have taken Math 110, Finite Mathematics, how has your experience been? I’m utterly awful at math, so I’m a bit worried about filling the general education requirements. </p>

<p>This is not really an answer to your question, as I have not taken a Math class in decades, but it is wonderful that you are thinking about this. Some general suggestions for you:</p>

<p>Get your hands on a Finite Mathematics book now. Before the semester in which you take the class, become familiar with all of the terms and vocabulary in this book. Your local library may have a reference copy. A current math teacher might be able to loan you one.</p>

<p>Start at the beginning and read through this book. If you can pre-teach yourself even a little of this content, it will help when you are actually in a real class situation.</p>

<p>Consider getting a tutor over this summer that can help you boost your skills. Improved math skills will help in science and other classes.</p>

<p>Look online at websites that teach math skills. Not that I am endorsing a specific site, but resources such as Khan Academy are often helpful.</p>

<p>Sign up for extra help from Day 1 of this class. Utilize all of your resources, including instructor or TA office hours.</p>

<p>Find other people in the class early on to form a study group. It is amazing how different people coming together can figure things out when you work as a group.</p>

<p>You can do this. It may take some extra effort if you are not good at math, or believe that you are not good at math. Good luck!</p>