Math 112 or 115?

<p>Which one should I take? I got a 3 on Calc BC with 4 AB subscore. Does math 115 go over stuff in 112 or does it directly go on with the advanced stuff?</p>

<p>112, unless you have any aspirations to major in a mathematical discipline.</p>

<p>A 4 AB subscores is good enough for you to go right to math 115 although I heard they do very little reviewing of the topics of derivatives and limits which is covered in math 112. It really depends do you plan on majoring in math/science in which case starting off at a higher math is advantageous or do you plan on pursuing the humanities?</p>

<p>As a Math major, I'll warn you that a lot of the kids taking Math 115 first semester will have gotten 4s and 5s on the Calc BC exam. Take 112 unless there's a good reason not to.</p>

<p>Okay thanks I will think about taking Math 112. I don't know what I want to major in yet so I guess 112 will be sufficient for now.</p>

<p>I have the same question, but I got a 4 on the BC and 4 on the AB sub score. Would I be qualified? What if I bomb the diagnostic test?</p>

<p>take 112. jules is right on the mark.</p>

<p>So most people who don't major in math or math-related fields don't take math 115 at all?</p>

<p>they do, but with a stronger background (5's on the APs as somebody mentioned).</p>